Two Prime Downloadable Reports

Fiduciary Considerations When Creating a Digital Investment Mandate

Guidance for digital asset investment mandate for fiduciaries that must ascertain which features of digital assets align most effectively with their goals

Bitcoin ETF Derivatives Opportunities

Derivatives market opportunities and arbitrage potentials, highlighting the unique interplay between global Bitcoin markets and US ETF regulations.

Crypto Corporate Treasury Management

Managing liquidity, diversification, risk management, and budgeting to help crypto companies make informed decisions and mitigate risks.

Comparing Energy and Crypto Derivatives Markets

Miners can learn from their predecessors in the energy markets to see how derivatives have evolved to support growth and profitability.

DeFi Option Vaults: Risks & Rewards in a Convex World

DeFi Option Vaults (DOVs) an emerging sector of decentralized finance increasingly influential role in crypto market behavior. Two Prime's derivatives trading team takes a look at this trend.

SOL Rising: Is Solana the Next Institutional Crypto Investment?

This report considers SOL’s path to institutional adoption as derivatives and risk-management strategies become available.

An Institutional Guide to Staking for Yield

DeFi and stablecoin staking, offers unparalleled opportunities for investors to generate high yields relative to traditional financial products.

A Derivatives Trader's Guide to institutional Crypto and DeFi

30 pages of institutional-grade Alpha generation and risk-management strategies using options, futures, and perpetual futures.

The Rise of Institutional Ethereum Investors

Download our Ethereum Report to learn more about why ETH is becoming a standard part of investor portfolios and corporate treasuries.

Understanding Crypto Today

Lessons, observations, and insights about the crypto field that constitute our core operating thesis for investments at Two Prime.